Brandon Cuppoletti
He first started playing Magic in 2001 and quickly fell in love. He loved the deckbuilding aspect most of all. He became a well-known deck builder in the area but when he discovered Draft he never looked back. He has won multiple limited PPTQs, he has been Mythic top 1000 for two seasons in Limited. He also has many strong Limited GP finishes and first made the Pro Tour in 2014. Read More.

Antony Benedetti
A true Magic mixologist, his handcrafted decks have made many a seasoned player shake and nod their head simultaneously. He has been known to Day 2 Limited GP’s and top 8 PPTQ’s (RIP). One time he played a tiered deck and made Top 4 of a constructed PTQ. Rumors are afloat that he may, one day, play a tiered deck again. I, for one, don’t believe it. Read More.

Jay Trojan
He has been playing Magic since 1995, at the time he felt yotian soldier was way overpowered (it can attack and block!?). He has a Grand Prix top 16 in limited, standard, modern, and legacy, a GP top 8, and has consistently been in the top 100 on mtgELOproject.com since 2017. Read More.

Michael Clifford
He began playing magic with the release of Lorwyn and began playing legacy in 2013. Entering the format on a budget, he eventually worked his way through the meta and settled on combo. He also contributes to the Ad Nauseam Tendrils community with articles, decklists, and board guides. He has posted great results with the archetype including multiple 3-5K top 8’s, a 12-3 GP finish, and a Legacy MCQ win. Read More.

Mike Benedetti
He has been playing Magic since 1994 when he read a newspaper article in the local Sonoma paper about some crazy new thing called a collectible card game. One time he made Day 2 of a GP, but mostly he brings joy to people by gathering friends and family around kitchen tables and playing whatever format or game will be the most fun for that group.
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Isaac Bacher
He learned to play magic back in the fifth grade. Keldon Warlord was his favorite card until he realized it was terrible. Isaac is still trying to improve his game across all formats and spike a tournament. Although primarily a limited player, Isaac also enjoys playing any sweet constructed deck that catches his eye.
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Cyrus Corman-Gill
He began playing Magic in the Summer of 2004, but didn’t start taking Magic seriously until 2016. He has a love for unique, powerful, creatureless strategies, and is best known for his success in Legacy with Storm. He has numerous Top 8 finishes and wins in high level Legacy and Vintage events, highlighted by a Star City Games Open win. Cyrus loves to tweet about Magic, and has been a guest on quite a few podcasts as well as previously hosting his own.
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Isaac Sears
Isaac Sears began playing cafeteria table magic in 2001 with invasion block. He has one SCG Top8, three Grand Prix Top8s, four ProTour appearances, and one World Magic Cup Top4 (Team America). When asked what kind of decks he likes to play he said, “the one that wins”. Read More.