Welcome to the first installment of Lightning Round, where we “sit down” with someone from the magic community and ask a few quick questions. Our keynote speaker? Romario Vidal, Legacy streamer and recent Legacy Super Qualifier finalist piloting the all too fitting for now deck, Doomsday.
The great thing about Doomsday is…
Romario: No one believes you when you say the card is actually good and can win matches.
Mana Tutor’s own storm aficionado, Michael Clifford wants to know when you realized dark ritual was better than Chalice of the Void?
Romario: When I started casting Doomsday on turn two followed by “Romariovidal wins the match.”
What don’t you want to see across the “table” when you’re playing Doomsday?
Romario: decks that play small creatures that tax my mana (I am looking at you Maverick and DnT). I used to hate playing against BR reanimator, but after I added the leylines to my sideboard I feel pretty good about the match up.
How do you prepare for a tournament like this?
Romario: I played four leagues with similar lists to what I played in the qualifier, as usual if I can do 4-1 or better with a list then that’s the deck I will play in the next important event I play. I also read and asked some questions on the doomsday discord server, eventually I came up with my final list. Honestly, I wasn’t too worried about playing the tournament. I found out the MOCS (Magic Online Championship Series) points were about to reset sometime soon and I didn’t want to just waste the ones I had accumulated, which was enough to play in two large events. I woke up twenty minutes before the starting time, thought about for a bit if I wanted to commit to playing the whole day, then, the rest is history.
Thanks for joining us for Lightning Round today, where can we find your legacy content?
www.twitch.tv/romariovidal for streaming
@romarioneto3 on twitter
I have also started creating some Legacy content in Portuguese on my youtube channel
Thanks again for joining us, here is the qualifying decklist below.